Illumination: An NFT Transformation.

Team Illumination
3 min readApr 1, 2022


10 years ago we dreamed about a festival that had never existed in New York before. We looked around at cities all over the world and saw that they hosted beautiful light art fairs and thought — why not one in the greatest city in the world?

In 2021, we made our dreams a reality gathering dozens of artists from around the world, and highlighting local New York artists to transform Brooklyn’s Under the K Bridge Park into the festival we knew our city needed — The Illumination Light Art Festival.

Darrell Thorne at Illumination 2021

People of all ages, genders, religions, races, and ethnicities gathered together, mirroring the kaleidoscope of New Yorke City, in search of some light in the recent darkness.

Families enjoying Faultline Meditation by JEVPIC

Technological wonders and light-based art transformed the park and for a few days, we forgot the period we were living in. We were able to spread joy to all who roamed our grounds.

At Illumination 21' we could suddenly see a future that was much larger than our original goal of entertaining the masses. We could see that we were not just making attendees' dreams come true, we were also making our artist’s dreams come true.

Illumination was becoming a pipeline for artists to get funds to build incredible, imaginative light-based & technological works.

WE ARE NOT WHOLE -BUT WE ARE STRONG by Thaddeus Echeverria of Rhizome Creative

In Year 1 some of the best works at the festival were commissioned by us and paid for by grants from New York City Arts Corps, NYC’s post-COVID arts fund.

Now in Year 2, together we have an opportunity to transform Illumination into the first community-driven light art festival.

NFT Members get exclusive access to a zone filled with special surprises.

On April 20, 2022, 5,555 Illumination memberships NFT tokens will be available to mint!

Each membership includes:

  • VIP admission to the next three years of Illumination,
  • a vote for which artists get funding,
  • access to our exclusive NFT holders lounge,
  • and many more perks along the way.

Illumination is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating an enlightened community of attendees and artists, using all funds to produce the festival and assist artists in their work for both the festival and outside endeavors.

We return to Under the K Bridge on October 6th–8th, 2022.

So, we ask, will you join us on our quest to transform New York through light-based technological wonder?

Click here to get your NFT!

